We exist to serve daily consumer needs to enhance Happy Healthy Living by Branding, Transforming and Distributing the goodness of Mother Nature.
We craft our brands to seamlessly blend with the lifestyle of our consumers.
Become a Distributordiv class mceTemp div ul li Expectant and lactating mothers visiting Equity Afia for prenatal...
strong em Nairobi Kenya - em strong strong October strong em In line with the...
strong May strong em Gental Care Hand Sanitizer manufactured by BIDCO AFRICA has been given...
Bidco takes Corporate Social Responsibility both seriously and personally. We aim to be socially responsible hence re-naming our CSR and striving to be a Socially Responsible Corporate (SRC).
Sustainability and SRCOur commitment as a company to supporting sports and cultural events keeps us closer to our community
Sports and CultureWe stand tall as a formidable industry leader and world-class African champion. Integrity and sustainability are the foundation of our corporate mission.